Latest News Archives - Winchester Sun


Colonels fall on Saturday before winning Sunday’s series finale

Playing a majority of their games against non-conference opponents, including the Kentucky Wildcats, the EKU Colonels’ baseball season ...


PLCs allow teachers unique opportunities at Baker

PLCs, short for professional learning communities, have provided an advantageous opportunity for education staff.  Yet, while they may ...


Winchester Police Department plays host to Chamber Breakfast

The regularly scheduled Winchester-Clark County Chamber of Commerce breakfast took place on Wednesday, March 26, at the Winchester ...


Ale-8 Bottling Company recognized with special night

Friday, March 21, marked the third baseball game of the season for George Rogers Clark High School’s baseball ...


Developments continue on Jackson Street Bridge

As many are aware, Governor Andy Beshear’s County and City Bridge Replacement Program recently approved a $500,000 grant ...


GRC baseball and softball teams begin seasons

For good reason, much talk of sports at George Rogers Clark High School lately has surrounded basketball. However, ...


City Commission meeting features fiery discussion over hiring

On Tuesday, March 4, the Winchester City Commission agreed to hire Micah Whiteley—the son of current Winchester Fire ...


Howard sets record at state meet

In 2022, then-middle school student Bailey Howard gained recognition for her track accomplishments.  Now a sophomore at George ...

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Spring schedule planned for WCCPR Pop-Up Events

While the weather may still be slightly unpredictable, warm spring weather will eventually settle in.  As it has ...


CDE Sanitation employees get into character to welcome students

At local Clark County Public Schools, it’s typical to see faculty and additional staff welcome students as they’re ...

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