Fiscal Court approves first reading of budget
Published 1:07 pm Thursday, May 4, 2017
The Clark County Fiscal Court unanimously approved the first reading of a new proposed budget.
In a brief special meeting Wednesday morning, the $14.9 million budget cleared without change and minimal, positive discussion.
“I think it’s a workable budget,” Magistrate Daniel Konstantopoulos said. “Everyone got little pieces (of what they requested).”
The final copy was presented to the magistrates a week ago during a regular fiscal court meeting. The first reading was to be next week, but Magistrate Greg Elkins requested a special meeting because he could not attend next week’s meeting, Clark County Judge-Executive Henry Branham said.
The budget will now be sent to the state local finance office for review and possible changes. Any state changes must remain in the budget, but magistrates may make other alterations prior to a second reading. The budget must be approved by June 30, the last day of the current fiscal year.
Magistrate Robert Blanton requested, though, that any capital purchases, such as vehicles, be made after property tax revenue starts being collected in the fall.
The magistrates’ last changes came last week when they decided to lower their budgeted contributions to the EMS and 911 program it shares with the City of Winchester by $50,000. Clark County Jailer Frank Doyle also reduced his budget transfers from the county general fund by $60,000, with the promise of paying the county $175,000 a month during the fiscal year. The magistrates also vetoed $98,000 for a new dump truck for the road department, returning the funds to the department’s budget.
Of the $14.9 million budget, nearly $9 million is in the general fund. The road fund has slightly less than $2.2 million and the jail fund involved nearly $3 million.