Recanvass set for Thursday in magistrate race
Published 9:18 am Friday, May 25, 2018
As expected, there will be a recanvass next week for the second district magistrate race.
Incumbent Democrat Pamela Blackburn defeated challenger Kevin Warner by a mere two votes.
Tuesday evening, Warner said he would request a recanvass.
Clark County Clerk Michelle Turner said Thursday morning she spoke with Warner, but the paperwork has not been submitted yet. The deadline for anyone to request a recanvass is Tuesday, she said.
Warner said Tuesday his check of totals from the precincts themselves showed him defeating Blackburn by six votes.
So far, no one else has requested a recanvass, Turner said.
All recanvasses will be conducted at 9 a.m. May 31 across Kentucky, Turner said.
In a recanvass, the clerks go back through the voting records from the precincts to verify the totals.
A recanvass is free to the candidates, while a recount involves examining the individual machines. The cost of a recount would be paid by the candidate requesting it.