Child porn case sent to grand jury

Published 9:36 am Friday, September 13, 2019

A Clark County man charged with possession and distribution of explicit images of children sent his case to the grand jury.

Jerry D. Spencer Jr., 45, was arrested Sept. 4 by Kentucky State Police detectives following an investigation by the agency’s Electronic Crime Branch.

According to KSP, detectives were conducting an undercover investigation after they discovered Spencer allegedly shared explicit images of children online.

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On Sept. 4, detectives went to a residence at 12 Alabama St. and spoke with Spencer. Detectives sent the confiscated equipment for a forensic evaluation. They also said they receive permission to view Spencer’s phone and found one image of child sexual exploitation.

He was arrested on one count of distribution of matter portraying a minor in a sexual performance and two counts of possession of matter portraying a minor in a sexual performance.

Spencer was scheduled to have a preliminary hearing Wednesday in Clark District Court, where a judge would determine whether there was probable cause for the charges or not. Spencer chose to waive the hearing and send the case directly to the grand jury for its consideration.

About Fred Petke

Fred Petke is a reporter for The Winchester Sun, the Jessamine Journal and the State Journal. His beats include cops, courts, fire, public records, city and county government and other news. To contact Fred, email or call 859-759-0051.

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