County approves property tax rates
Published 12:39 pm Monday, August 26, 2019
Clark County property owners should pay a little less on their taxes this fall after county officials lowered the tax rates this week.
The Clark County Fiscal Court voted unanimously this week to lower the real property rate from 9.1 cents per $100 value to 9.0, and the personal property rate from 11.67 cents to 11.19.
For someone with a $100,000 house, the difference would be about $1, Clark County Judge-Executive Chris Pace said, with a larger reduction on personal property.
The lower rates should not hurt revenue for the county for the coming year, he said.
“The county’s revenue should still be up about $30,000, based on some improvements,” Pace said. “If you look at our (financial) cuts, it’s tens of thousands of dollars more.”
Most of the other taxing districts in the county either maintained or lowered their rates this year, he said.
“Everything we have a little input with either stayed the same or went down,” Pace said.
The exception was the Clark County Board of Education, which approved the 4 percent rate for the coming year. Pace said the county has no input on the school board’s tax rates, though it is the largest for the county.
Pace said the second reading will likely be part of a special meeting tentatively scheduled for Sept. 4.
In other action Thursday, the fiscal court:
— noted an indigent burial of William Nieley.
— appointed Bobby White to the Clark County Road Department committee.
— approved hiring Allan Puckett as an equipment operator at the road department.
— approved an order to seek bids for a fire truck and a tanker for the Clark County Fire Department.
— approved an order to seek bids for exterior repairs to the Clark County Courthouse.
— appointed magistrates Chris Davis and Greg Elkins to the joint EMS committee.
— approved the first reading of an ordinance to rezone property at 2101 Old Boonesboro Road from single family residential to planned development.