Clark Sheriff’s office adds to social media presence
Published 10:44 am Thursday, October 5, 2017
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has had its own Facebook page for several years, but the agency recently added pages for criminal investigations as well as its DARE program.
Clark County Sheriff Berl Perdue said the two pages were launched earlier this week. The criminal investigations page will allow detectives to post information about cases, while people will be able to post information or report suspicious or criminal activity anonymously, he said.
“Basically, it’s another tool,” Perdue said. “We just started (Tuesday) and we’ve already gotten several leads that have already helped out.
“So far it’s been a great idea and it’s really helped on some things.”
Perdue said the office will often receive tips and information through its regular Facebook page.
“It helps on cases we have and cases we might find out about,” he said. “We thought we’d have a dedicated page just for criminal investigations. We’ll take all the help we can get.”
The DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) page will include news of upcoming events and photos of past events in Clark County schools, he said.