Sekisui earns community partner rating

Since its opening in 2007, Sekisui’s Winchester location has been manufacturing high-quality plastic material. The larger corporation, Sekisui S-LEC America, has been in the manufacturing business for more than 30 years, according to Sekisui’s website.

“Here at SSA, superior product quality, excellence in sales, and exceptional customer service are our main objectives,” reads a statement from the company’s president, Pedro Cordoba. “We value the environment and continually reduce our impact through ongoing initiatives, and have achieved Zero Landfill status by the auditing standards of Japan.”

SSA views its three areas of focus are the environment, customer service and quality and human resources.

Sekisui took part in the Winchester-Clark County Chamber of Commerce’s Community Partner Program and earned a three-star rating. The program establishes a rating system (one to three stars) to recognize local organizations, businesses and industries that go above and beyond in their investment, promotion and contributions to the community, according to a chamber news release.

In order to take part in the program, businesses must meet several requirements. They must be a member of the chamber of commerce in good standing, display a clean, organized and well-maintained facility, offer health and wellness programs to employees, establish recycling programs to reduce their environmental footprint, have employees who volunteer at local community nonprofit organizations and/or mentoring programs, they must participate in community events, meet a certain percentage of employees who live in Clark County, participate in local training and professional development opportunities and actively seek employees who have the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) as well as veterans.

Applications for 2017 community partners are currently being accepted. Applications are available at the Chamber of Commerce office, 2 S. Maple St.
