Caldwell: Stop in to see us on Wall Street

After 140 years, The Winchester Sun is still right here in downtown, focused on the critical mission of informing our community.

The Sun is reaching more people than ever in the newspaper’s storied history; in today’s age of “fake” news and misinformation that could arguably be considered more important than ever.

The ways we reach readers continues to expand, even as the need for a massive brick-and-mortar structure has diminished. Barely a week goes by that someone doesn’t tell us they thought we had moved, closed or print the newspapers somewhere else.

Nope, we are right here at 20 Wall St., where we have been for decades, printing more than 15 newspapers a week.

It is a confluence of factors, locally and national, that feed this misconception about the demise of the newspaper industry.

Certainly, we face a host of challenges as the business model continues to evolve and change. No one is denying that. Many other businesses deal with this as well, but those stories don’t seem to garner the same level of attention.

Much of the doom and gloom tied to our industry stems from the hurdles faced by larger metropolitan newspapers that compete with cable news channels.

We couldn’t be more different.

What we can guarantee is we will always make decisions about our location — and everything else — through the lens of what best serves our readers and best equips us to achieve our mission of being the best community newspaper in Kentucky.

So, stop in and see us. Give us a call. Tell your friends and neighbors.

The Winchester Sun is still here and going strong.

Michael Caldwell is publisher of The Winchester Sun and Winchester Living magazine. He can be reached at (859) 759-0095 or by email at
