I made it!

God must surely love me. I am back home in my little apartment at Brookdale, Littleton.

In other words, I made it!

Forgive me for literally disappearing that day in early April. There was no time to call the editor personally.

One minute I was just tired and coughing, and the next they were trying to save my life.

I am not going to go into my stay in ICU or the bracelet they put on that stated, “Do not resuscitate.”

Maybe one day I’ll share those stories and write them, but surely not now.

The point is, I made it, much to everyone’s relief. I feel so very blessed to be given more days.

The day I came home, when the other residents saw me, they stood up and clapped for me. Isn’t that wonderful?

Yes, I am indeed back home among those who care for me.

The hospital and the rehab did all there was to do, and I knew that the long journey of healing and gaining strength would best be done in my own apartment with the help of a loving staff. And I was right!

The view from the mountains is wondrous.

Jean Brody is a passionate animal lover and mother. She previously lived in Winchester, but now resides in Littleton, Colorado. Her column has appeared in the Sun for more than 25 years.
