.COMments for Sept. 19, 2019
.COMments are comments pulled from The Sun’s Facebook page and website from readers pertaining to local issues, stories and other topics. Comments will be posted as written and are selected to try to reflect various viewpoints on the issues.
The Winchester Sun: A recent study published in the Journal of Rural Health studied three Kentucky counties — Clark, Knox and Owsley — with syringe exchanges. It found some drug users who utilized the local exchange programs were more likely to enter treatment for their drug use. Tell us, do you support the syringe exchange/harm reduction program in Clark County?
— Katie Gayle Rogers: “Your asking for it… as Kentucky natives, my husband and I currently live in the Bay Area California, it’s a nightmare. If you want needles littering the playgrounds go right ahead! We are moving back next summer, I hope we don’t have to deal with it there too.”
— Misty Howard: “It’s not about whether we “support” it or not. It’s about the research done by qualified health professionals and their recommendations to diminish the drug epidemic.”
— AaronandTara Cruse: “Not only does the needle exchange program increase the chance of addiction treatment, but it also decreases our rates of Hepatitis and HIV infections.”
— Becky Aparicio Reyes: “Why is it ok for a drug user to get free needles while people with diabetes go without because they don’t have insurance or money to buy them?”