Principal’s List and Honor Roll for St. Agatha Academy

Second Trimester Principal’s List and Honor Roll for St. Agatha Academy of Winchester. Congrats to these hard-working academic all-stars!

3rd Grade
Principal’s List
Willie Aaron
Huntley Bach
Carly Klinglesmith
Marshal Wedwick

Honor Roll
Penny Cheney
Hadley Risner
Madilee Risner
Madison Taylor

4th Grade
Principal’s List
Wyatt Allen
Will Pace
Nancy Pumphrey
Honor Roll
Mikayla Draper
Gabe Graul
Cecilia Perry
Alina Roche
Lily Stanfield

5th Grade
Principal’s List
Julia Blair
Brooks Bonfield
Lauren Faulkner
Addison Horn
Joshua McBride
Drake Williams

Honor Roll
Piper Allen
Biz Coates
Austin Skinner
Zola Wheeler

6th Grade
Principal’s List
Joseph Cuellar
Andrew Perry
Hollins Pumphrey

Honor Roll
Emily Blair

7th Grade
Principal’s List
James Abordo
Jay Baxendale
Xander Cheney
Paul Eades
Dillon Risner

8th Grade
Principal’s List
Catherine Blair
Philip Blair
Isabelle Montes

Editor’s Note: Names and spellings provided by St. Agatha Academy.
