Letter to the Editor for Dec. 24, 2019
What are we teaching our children?
We hear a lot about the Bible belt when the topic of politics comes up. The Bible belt is always mentioned when it comes to the president’s supporters.
The Bible belt is the southern United States region where protestant fundamentalism is widely practiced, and Clark County is in that region.
The president of the United States is an office that should be widely respected, and the holder of that office should be a model for our children to look up to.
It has been stated and documented that in the last three years, this president had lied to the American people more than 10,000 times.
Whether this is true or not, our children are hearing this on TV and also when they listen to adults talk.
We teach our children to love and trust God. We teach them not to lie. We teach them to treat others the way we wish to be treated. We send our children to school to learn and to be able to distinguish fact from fiction.
When they see (on TV) the president say one thing today and then tomorrow say he didn’t make that statement, what are they supposed to think?
When our children hear on the news and from adults talking the president has on several occasions committed adultery and paid several hundred thousand dollars to the women to keep quiet about it, listen to their parents complain about how much they have to pay in taxes from their small incomes, and then learn the super-rich can find ways to pay less and in some cases no taxes, what does that teach them about what is right?
When our leaders do not respect women, discriminate against people of color and Jews, but you continue to support them, what do you tell your children about the reason for your support?
In school, the children learn about the German Nazi party and how they killed more than 6 million Jews. On the news, our children see parades where American Nazis are marching in Virginia, where someone was killed, and the president comes on TV and states some of them are good people.
Our children hear the president make a speech in which he stated he could shoot someone in public and not lose any support from voters.
If the Senators do not hold this president accountable for the proven allegations against him then what we are teaching our children is that some of us are above the law.
Do the voters residing in the Bible belt, feel the actions of our elected officials are approved by God?
What are you going to say when your child asks you why you supported them?
Our children are watching, listening and learning from what we say and do.
The next time you feel the need to discipline your child, make sure they are not doing exactly what you have tolerated from these elected officials you keep supporting.
Reed Hampton
Clark County