Looking Back for Oct. 30, 2016

25 years ago
From Oct. 30, 1991: George Rogers Clark High School soccer coach Jeff Averitt is doused by his team Tuesday after Clark’s first-round game against Montgomery County in the District 26 tournament. The Cardinals beat Montgomery County 4-2 in overtime, Clark’s first win over Montgomery in 20 tries, and will play Mason County in the district championship game.
From Oct. 30, 1991: Toney Ray Conner, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Conner, and Jeff Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wells, all of Winchester, competed recently in the Softball World Series in St. Louis, Mo. The two play for the JenMar Corporation team.
About 45 local people attended an election forum sponsored by the Clark County League of Women Voters. The forum posed questions to the eight candidates vying for the four seats on the commission in next Tuesday’s election. The candidates are Frank Allara, Kenny Book, Dorsey Curtis, Homer Fanning, Gene Kincaid , Carrie Patton, Carl Reed and Dick Webb.
50 years ago
Five local men are seeking elecgion to the Clark County Board of Education in the general election Nov. 8. One candidate, Earl L. Barnett, is seeking re-election from the Fourth District. His opponent is Vernon Vance, who is making his first bid for the school board. The First District has three men seeking seats on the board — A.B. Ecton, David D. Farris and Leroy McIntosh. W.N. McKinney now represents the First District, but is not seeking re-election.
Two Winchester youths are among 26 junior and senior students selected to participate in the Honors Program at Morehead State University. They are Judith B. Burnam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Burnam., and Jeanne S. Humble, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Humble.
Mrs. Curtis Green’s fifth grade class of Victory Heights School recently organized a Hobby Club for the school term. Officers are Judy Crowe, president; Leslie Fisher, vice president; Lynn Reeves, secretary; David Rosenthal, treasurer; Jamie Selvy, song leader; and Carrie Botto, reporter.
For the ads: Absolute auction of The Cottage Restaurant, located at 47 N. Main St., Winchester, 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4. Due to ill health, the owners have authorized us to sell this good lucrative business to the high dollar. Seating capacity will accommodate about 65.
60 years ago
The Clark County Hospital and Emmanuel Episcopal Church through endowment funds will share the bulk of the estate of the late Mrs. Susan Miller Bush, whose will was filed for probate in County Court today.
Mrs. Bush, who died Oct. 19, was the wife of the late Lewis Hampton Bush, founder of the hospital.
Eleven-year-old Tom Quisenberry carried off top honors at the 4-H and FFA baby beef show Monday afternoon, his Angus steer winning the grand championship. Later, Tom captured the showmanship trophy.
Plans for the annual community Halloween celebration on Main Street  Wednesday night are being completed by Daniel Boone Post No. 19, American Legion, sponsors of the event.
The eighth grade class of Central Elementary School, under the sponsorship of Mr. Buford Horton, held the annual election of officers recently. Officers elected were: Kenneth Craft, president; Anna Marie Jones, vice president; Ruth Wells, secretary; Carolyn Banks, treasurer; and Brenda Griffith, reporter.
From Nov. 2, 1956: St. Agatha cheerleaders were recently elected by the club. Varsity cheerleaders are, left to right, Martha Quisenberry, Diane Hobbs, Linda Lou Oaks and Janice Ford.
75 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Freeman have returned from a trip to several points in Georgia. At Columbus, they visit Lt. and Mrs. Addison T. Whitt.
Approximately 2,500 persons are expected to participate in the annual downtown Halloween celebration tonight on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Sams of Clark County announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna Marie, to N.J. Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.J. Fox, Winchester.
On Sunday a group of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cravens on the Iron Works Road to celebrate the birthdays of Mrs. Cravens, Mrs. W.T. Moore and Mrs. E.D. Brown of Frankfort.
