LETTER: Support for Andy Barr for U.S. Congress

Andy Barr has grown up in Central Kentucky and I have watched him mature into one of the outstanding young talented individuals of his generation.

Andy has the best of both traits acquired from his father who in a respected retired business leader in financial matters. His mother is an Episcopal minister who has instilled in him the ability to recognize people in need and help those that are suffering from their situation in life, and assist them in their current situation as our representative in Central Kentucky.

Recently, I heard U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers say, having been in congress for a long time, that he has watched Andy Barr garner the respect as a young Congressman across party affiliation, and with those in higher positions in Congress, that has allowed him to introduce legislation in the House of Representatives and see it through passages in both the House and Senate. This has been achieved in a short time and is evidenced by his appointment to committees on very important issues.

As a member of the house financial services committee, he was a leader in the effort to roll back burdensome regulation of our community financial institutions. The community banks did not cause our mortgage crisis and they needed relief to meet the needs of our residents in central and eastern Kentucky.

Barr is chairman of the subcommittee with jurisdiction over the treasury department’s sanctions with regard to North Korea, Iran and Russia. He introduced in the house the Otto Warmbier North Korea nuclear sanctions act, which imposed tough economic sanctions and brought the regime to the negotiating table.

Andy has worked hard to address the bad problem we have with the abuse of the drug issues in Kentucky, this leadership must continue through his representation.

Please join me in supporting this outstanding young man as our representative for another term in the sixth district. He will do great work in our future because of his character, proven experience and background.

S. Dudley Taylor

