What’s Happening at the Library: Local History potluck meals start Thursday

By John Maruskin

Clark County Public Library

The monthly Local History Potluck Dinner Programs start this Thursday, Jan. 26 and the Clark County Public Library. The potluck dinner begins at 6:15 p.m.; the program begins at 7 p.m.

Kentucky author Ron Elliott will talk about his book, “Assassination at the State House: The Murder of Kentucky Governor William Goebel.”

Elliott has rewritten an earlier a book with the same title. That 1994 book, 65,000 words, has been expanded to more than 110,000 words, with new research and editing, for a superb new historical narrative.

It is a detailed examination of the vitriolic 1899 campaign for Kentucky governor, the ensuing assassination of the winner William Goebel and the resulting political and civil turmoil.

Elliott has written an informative and intriguing investigation of one of the darkest corners of Kentucky’s history and he provides an equally fascinating investigation of the assassination’s criminal proceedings which lasted 20 years.

The political legacy of this quintessential story of Kentucky politics proves that “politics are the damnedest” in Kentucky.

 Bring a dish and join other local history enthusiasts for this fascinating program. It is free and open to the public.

Those who do not want to eat should arrive at 6:50 p.m. Either way, to ensure you have a seat, call 744-5661 or use the library’s online Evanced registration system which can be accessed from the web site, www.clarkbooks.org.

Beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, Winchester artist Elvis Cardona will present a comic book illustration workshop in the library’s community room.

Cardona has been drawing all his life, and his work is so good he has gained the appreciation and encouragement of Marvel Comics artist Mark Morales.

For his class at the Library, Elvis will show participants how to create dynamic superheroes by beginning with a stick figure and then filling out the form with basic shapes like circles, spheres, triangles and cylinders.

You can learn to draw your favorite characters or create your own comic book characters. This workshop is free and open to the public ages 14 to senior citizen. Class is limited to 10. You must register to attend. For more information, email john.clarkbooks@gmail.com or call 744-5661, ext. 110. You can register by calling the Library or by using the online Evanced program registration system found on the Library’s home page, www.clarkbooks.org.

See examples of Elvis’s drawings on display in the library’s reference section through January.

And that ain’t all (as they used to sing on the vaudeville stage):

— Tuesday, 10 a.m., Easy Email. Set up an email account in minutes. Email is essential for online employment applications.

— Tuesday, 5-7 p.m., Winchester-Clark County comprehensive plan kick-off in the Library’s Rose Mary Codell Brooks Community Room.

—Wednesday, 2 p.m., Kentucky Picture Show features a moving 2016 film about acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt who fought for historical truth about the Holocaust when David Irving, a renowned denier, sued her for libel. Rated PG-13.

— Wednesday, 7 p.m., Trivia Night at the Engine House Deli where you can test your knowledge of popular culture against the best minds of every generation.

— Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., The Outside the Lines Adult Coloring Group meets to make life more colorful, share some stories, and generally have a swell time. Pictures, pens, pencils and crayons provided. Make your own refrigerator art.

Patrons have been calling about the Seed Library. New heirloom/organic seeds have started to arrive at the library and the Seed Library staff is assiduously sorting them. This year the Seed Library will have 130 varieties for patrons to receive free. The Seed Library will begin March 1.

John Maruskin works at the Clark County Public Library.
