Down the Lane: According to the weather

There is no doubt summer has arrived in Kentucky. We thought it was never going to happen, but the temperatures in Winchester have been proof it is here. 

I am guessing I am not the only one who was complaining about winter that seemed to never end, the month of rain that seemed to never end, and believe it or not, I actually questioned when the extremely hot temperatures were going to end.

I guess we are never truly satisfied.

I have found the old saying, “If you can not find anything else to talk about with someone, just start talking about the weather,” so true.

If that is the case, living in Kentucky, we can always have plenty to talk about with each other. Our weather is so diverse and keeps us always guessing what it will be like from day to day.

With the exception of having really bad allergies, I still love everything Kentucky.

Summer weather meant summer fun for my siblings and me as a child. Most of our fun just meant running down to Lulbegrud Creek that flowed just over a hill from our house to go swimming on hot summer days.

In the summer this was practically every day after our work was completed. It was like having our own swimming pool.

It was in Lulbegrud Creek all five of us kids learned to swim. I think I have mentioned how I learned to swim. It was a crash course when my sister pushed me off a tree trunk (which also served as our diving board). I had to swim or drown.

I will give her credit for teaching me to hold my breath underwater and about how to paddle the water with my hands a few days before.

My mom and dad could hear our squeals of laughter from the front porch of the house, but I have often wondered what would have happened if I did not start paddling. Life with my sister and brothers was always an adventure.

Looking back now, I recall seeing a snake or two slithering along the banks. You probably couldn’t pay me to get in that creek now. Back then we made our fun, and we seemed to know no danger.

Many a friend and cousin enjoyed swimming with us. We waded in that same creek looking for shells and spent many hours exploring.

My brothers seined for fish and stuck their hands up into holes in rocks, pulling out fish, frogs and turtles. All the fun we had never cost us a cent and I guarantee you we had as much fun as anyone on those days.

This past weekend several members of my family were on the lake, and I must say, Kentucky has some of the best lakes to enjoy. The weather was perfect for it.  Before the summer is over, I hope to go to the lake at least once. Watching my oldest daughter on skis through her picture on Facebook made me want to go. I do not think I would be strong enough to ski for long and I do not plan on getting on skis, but it is still fun to watch others having fun on them. 

Do not let summer pass you by and then you find yourself saying, I wish we had gone fishing, swimming, on a picnic, to the lake or something else you love to do in the summer.

Summer still has plenty of days left. Do something you enjoy doing in the summer.

If you can not afford to go on a big trip this summer, do something nearby. Kentucky has so many wonderful places to go to for summer fun.

A lot of times it is just making yourself get up and go.

You may want to check the weather before you take off so you can prepare in case a storm does pop up.

Sue Staton is a Clark County native who grew up in the Kiddville area. She is a wife, mother and grandmother who is active in her church, First United Methodist Church, and her homemakers group, Towne and Country Homemakers. 
