Staton: Differences should be celebrated, respected
We are constantly learning in our lifetime. One thing I have learned during the coronavirus is I am so glad we do not all think alike. This fact has become more evident to me these past few weeks.
All my life, I have known our world would not be nearly as interesting if we all thought alike but lately I have learned I am content with myself. I learned I do not feel the need to apologize to anyone for my beliefs or my love of God. I do not need to apologize to anyone for my political beliefs nor does anyone need to apologize to me for their beliefs or political views. We all have the same right to think how we want and God will judge each of us separately. Just because the world tries to make some sins OK does not make sin anything but sin according to the Bible.
I regret little in life because at the time I did something, I either did my best or it was something I believed wholeheartedly.
I also learned what others have to say about me or my viewpoint does not make a difference in the way I live my life. If I thought I had done something harmful to someone, I would feel the need to apologize to them.
I learned I have as many faults as anyone even though we often do not see the plank in our own eyes as the Bible says in Luke. I do strive to improve and am learning to listen more.
I love this quote by Herman Hesse: “Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”
I can retreat to my own sanctuary. If you truly know me you would know I am myself wherever I am because I do not know how to be any one else.
Through the years in my columns, I have often mentioned a Bible verse because Bible verses have been an integral part of my life. Verses I learned as a young child have stayed with me. They have helped me get through cancer. The Bible verse, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee,” is one I say when I am going to go through surgery, along with Psalm 56:4: “I will not fear what mortal flesh can do to me.”
My writing may not be as correct as it should be grammatically, and I am sure many English teachers inwardly groan. However, I am sure they know it is from my heart. Sometimes, I groan after I read my column in print and see grammatical errors. If I repeat them in others, it is because I just do not know any better.
The funny thing is I never go anywhere on nearly any day that people do not tell me they like my columns or agree with me on a subject. Of course, they make my day in doing so.
With the Fourth of July coming up, I want to say how grateful I am to live in this great country and in this small town of Winchester. I think we are planted on earth where God wants us to be with the color of skin God wants us to have.
I think God gave us the parents he gave us even though I do not understand at times why some parents are even given children. I believe we all have the inmate sense of whether we should do right or wrong. Because we were born with a conscience, it is up to us to do right or wrong.
I feel certain when the Fourth of July rolled around last year, no one could have predicted coyotes would be roaming the streets of Winchester or a bear would be spotted not far from town. Even more astounding was a bear was walking around on the University of Kentucky’s campus July 1.
I also feel no one could have there would be the chaos that has taken place in our lives in the past 12 months. My wish for us all is that we will all choose to get along in this world because we are all in this world together no matter what comes our way. We will not all agree but there is no reason we all can’t be respectful to one another.
Sue Staton is a Clark County native. She is a wife, mother and grandmother who is active at First United Methodist Church and Towne and Country Homemakers.