Final DEI training next week

Next week is the fourth and final set of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trainings.

In addition to the fourth session, Tying It All Together, attendees also have the opportunity to “catch-up” on previous sessions they may have missed.

Pastor Edward Palmer, a certified diversity trainer and community and youth activist, returns to present the remaining installments of the series.

The catch-up training, Implicit Bias: Starting the Conversation and The Intersection of Race and Culture: Avoiding Cultural Collisions, is 1:15 to 5 p.m. Nov. 6.

This session, according to a news release, offers individuals that have been unable to participate in previous trainings to catch-up by participating in a consolidated course of the first and second trainings that cover the key content.

To register, go to

The catch-up training, Let’s Talk About Race, is 8:15 a.m. to noon Nov. 7. This session covers the third training in the DEI series. Let’s Talk Race educates attendees on the history of the “racial construct” within the U.S. and its impact on current race relations, according to the release.

Through a facilitated discussion, attendees participate in a dissection of the issue of race, justice, housing, socio-economics and cultural identity that can divide or unite people.

Because this training builds on content covered in the first and second trainings, those participating must have completed Implicit Bias or Avoiding Cultural Collisions training, according to the release. To register, go to

Clark Countians have three opportunities to attend the final DEI session, Tying it All Together.

The options are:

— 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 7

— 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 7

— 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 8

According to the release, in this session, Palmer will introduce participants to cultural humility, social determinants of health and why environment matters.

The training will include practical exercises that revisit the concepts from previous trainings and increases the participant’s ability to address issues of race and culture personally and professionally. This session also requires participants to have undergone previous trainings.

According to the release, at the end of the session, participants will be able to:

— define key terms in the conversation around race and social construct

— define social determinants of health

— recognize how individual health and community health are related

— analyze how social determinants of health can impact an individual’s health and the health of the community

— and apply skills to aide in recognizing, discussing and addressing institutional racism, as well as race and cultural misunderstandings when they exist and occur.

To register for the final session, go to

All sessions are at McCready Hall at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 2410 Lexington Road.

General attendance training certificates are available to those requesting a certificate at registration.

For more information, go to
