Clark school board sets graduation date

The last day of school for Clark County students will be May 30, and the George Rogers Clark High School graduation is set for 7 p.m. May 31.

The Clark County Board of Education approved the last day of school and GRC graduation date 4-1 during its regular meeting Tuesday. Hisle opposed the motion. Christy said students would have completed 173 days of school which is “90 hours above and beyond the state requirement.”

The graduation rain date will be June 1.

The board also approved the adoption of a new procedure 04.312 AP. 2 fundraising via crowdfunding websites.

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet, Aleisha Ellis, CCPS director of finance, wrote in the item request.

Many crowdfunding websites exist that target funding for school projects. The district did not have a crowdfunding procedure to address fundraising via the interest.

Ellis said this style of fundraising has grown in popularity due to its ease and effectiveness in raising large amounts of money with minimal participation and time of the students and parents.

The suggested procedure outlines how CCPS staff should conduct crowdfunding fundraisers and how the school shall handle the items and monetary donations received.

According to the new procedure, all projects must have prior approval from the building principal. No more than one crowdfunding effort may be active for a school at any given time.

The procedure also states if a request involves equipment, staff should obtain pre-approval from the director of technology and the directory of maintenance.

Board member Bill Taulbee also made a motion to add an item to the agenda, which was to consider changing the design of the football field to include a side-facing cardinal on the turf between the 40-yard lines as well as the letters “GRC” between the 20 and 30-yard lines.

The board approved the item 4-1; Hisle opposed.

In other action, the board:

— approved option two of the 2019-2020 school calendar committee proposals

—approved to extend bond of depository one year or bid banking services for two years

—approved the revision of procedure 09.33 AP. 2 booster/support club agreement

— approved the first reading of a revision of policy 04.312 school activity funds

—approved revision of policy 04.31 authority to encumber and expend funds

—approved revised job description for school food service director II

—approved pay application #15 to Codell Construction, contractors and suppliers for the GRC gymnasium and athletic fields project (BG 16-238) in the total amount of $870,427.07

—approved pay application #1514-27 to RossTarrant Architects for the GRC gymnasium and athletic fields project (BG 16-238) for $9,316.11

—approved change order #19-11 to Rising Sun for the GRC gymnasium and athletic fields project (BG 16-238) in the amount of $8,041

— approved GRC bass team trip to Kentucky Lake on April 5-6

— approved participation in The Interlocal Purchasing System “TIPS”

— approved BG-5 for Strode Station Re-Roof Project BG 18-359.
