Casey’s Law to be focus of training

Special People Advocating Recover Kentucky (SPARK) Ministries of Powell County will host two local Casey’s Law trainings Sunday, July 30, at Cairn Coffee House.

The first training will be from noon to 1 p.m. for “community key players” followed by a community training from 2 to 3 p.m.

Brenda Marstella, a board member of SPARK and advocate for Casey’s Law, said the purpose of the training is to get as many people educated on the subject as possible.

Marstella got involved with SPARK after she used Casey’s Law to help her son during his struggle with addiction.

Jenell Brewer, CEO and founder of SPARK, who is also a regional advocate and trainer, has been a long-time friend of Marstella’s and helped her with the necessary steps to get her son into treatment.

Casey’s Law, or The Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention, was enacted in 2004 after parents of 23-year-old Casey Wethington lobbied for a change in the law to force someone into treatment.

The law allows anyone to file a petition to have an individual looked at for involuntarily treatment if there is concern for their life and well-being.

“You have to basically present a case before the judge stating that you have facts proving that they do have a problem with drugs and they cannot help themselves,” Marstella said.

A judge will also look at whether there is a child involved, a history of drug abuse and the ability to hold down a job.

Marstella said people don’t have to be “Casey’s lawed” first to get them into rehab, SPARK works to get people informed on treatment options and let them know there is help.

“In the end what’s going to matter is what you got, where you’ve been, and it’s going to matter how many people you have helped,” Marstella said.

To RSVP for the training, call Marstella at 859-771-2726, or for more information about SPARK Ministries, call 606-612-5125.   
