Our View: Candidates must start answering how, why
So often during election season, voter hear all about what candidates want to do if they are elected and too little about how they plan to accomplish those goals.
“I would lower taxes.”
“I would fight the drug epidemic.”
“I want to bring more businesses to the community.”
There are just a few of the generic statements heard over, and over, and over again from people running for any number of offices.
These statements reflect good motives.
But good motives and good intentions in government are not enough if there is not an action plan accompanying them.
Everyone wants lower taxes.
No person wants to see our community remain in the grips of a drug epidemic.
Ask anyone, and they want more and better-paying jobs in Clark County.
Wanting these things for the community is not enough to make you a good candidate for office.
Simply naming problems you want to address without specifying how you plan to address them does the voters a disservice.
It becomes hard to decide in local races who is the best candidate when they all have the same goals.
That is when people elect who they know rather than who is best fit for the job.
The deciding factor should be based on how a candidate plans to actually address these issues and others.
Being uninformed about how local government operates or lacking first-hand knowledge is no excuse.
We so often hear about the same major problems, but candidates often neglect that they will likely have little impact on some of these issues in the office they are seeking.
With just a couple weeks left until the election, we encourage voters to ask “How?” and “Why?” and for the candidates to take a more in-depth look at these issues.
How do you plan to lower taxes? How do you plan to fight the drug epidemic? How do you plan to bring more jobs? Why do you deserve to be elected?
The responses to these questions and more will likely help voters know just who can have the greatest impact in office.