Down the Lane: Let’s be positive
Have you noticed a change in people after 2021 has emerged? It may just be my imagination, but it seems I detect a new happiness in most everyone I have come in contact with since the new year has begun.
After church on Sunday, I went to Kroger and everyone was so polite. I don’t know if it was because of the Christmas rush but it was not like that the last time I was there.
Everyone I met had a different attitude of kindness, or so it seemed.
I was thinking of the sermon I had just heard. I only saw one person at Kroger Sunday who had attended the same church service I did. It was as though everyone was practicing his message.
I wish everyone could have heard the beautiful message our pastor, the Rev. Farley Stuart, gave on being positive for the new year this first Sunday of January 2021.
He started with how his whole family had taken a COVID-19 test in Virginia before celebrating Christmas together. He said it was the one time in his life he wanted to be told he was negative.
I am not sure if I have mentioned how throughout this whole pandemic, Bro. Farley has done a daily Facebook post, (often lengthy) to uplift his parishioners to keep them hopeful and grounded. We have always known he is there for us if we need him.
I know this past year has not been great for him either, but his positivity has shone for all of us. I have noticed how others from other churches have enjoyed his daily blogs.
On Sunday, his message implored us to “Get off to a good start!” One of the best ways we can do this is to have a closer walk with God. He referred to a hymn, which was one of my favorite hymns when I grew up.
The song goes, “Just a closer walk with thee, grant it Jesus is my plea.” In other words, we have to want to get closer to God. Once we do, our positive attitude has to get better.
Bro. Farley gave the Bible reading from Isaiah 60: 1-5.
As a young girl in Girls in Action, our memory verse was, “Arise, Shine for thy light has come!”
We were not going to become better young women if we just sat and did not work toward being closer to God. As an older woman now, it still holds true for me today.
The other part of that verse says, “and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”
I needed Bro. Farley’s message. I know I can be more positive.
The other verses tell that no matter how dark things get in our world, we should do our part to let the glory of the Lord shine through us. We can help change the world through our positivity and hope in the Lord.
Bro. Farley also showed a picture of track runners. His grandson is on the track team. It is important how we all try to do our best in all that we do. We can be there for each other and urge others on.
I thought to myself we are all in a race every day of our life anymore it seems. The young mothers are constantly trying to manage their lives and schedules to fit in work, managing kids, cooking meals and cleaning the house. Now there is the extra burden of making sure their kids are getting their lessons and trying to stay afloat without one-on-one time with a teacher. Some days are harder to stay positive.
For the older generation, it seems they cannot understand how they were able to accomplish all they used to because now they have other problems. They do not move as quickly as they once did and it seems there is a different ache every day. They have a different race they are in. Some days are harder to stay positive.
As we learned through Farley’s message, the world that doesn’t believe does not have positivity. He encouraged us if we are negative in life, we will be happier if “we shift into positivity.”
Our lives often get into a rut and we become stagnant. If I did not have my faith, it would be hard to be positive on a lot of days, but with faith comes the hope in knowing the good days always outweigh the bad days.
I felt Bro. Farley’s message was so on point for us to not become stagnant or get in a rut even if the coronavirus did not leave when 2020 ended. A new year is here. Let us all let positivity rule our lives. Oh, and prayer works wonders.
Sue Staton is a Clark County native. She is a wife, mother and grandmother.