Our View: Celebrate with acts of kindness
In this space we have supported our share of national days, weeks and recognition — everything from health warnings to celebrating public servants, teachers, nurses and more.
Recently, we discovered a national celebration we believe deserves as much recognition as any other, but is not widely known.
National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day is celebrated annually on May 16 in cities across the nation. The day was founded in 2009 by Buffalo, New York, resident Starr Valentino with the mission of encouraging acts of kindness to others in his community.
The mission has since spread, and it is our hope many residents of Winchester and Clark County will recognize this special day this year as well.
While by definition a neighbor is someone who lives next door to you, we believe the concept of a neighbor is must broader.
A neighbor is anyone who you share your community with, in our opinion, and with National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day, we can all do something kind, generous or helpful for others in our community.
Valentino previously told Buffalo Rising that was his mission.
“[Due to grassroots and political will] hundreds of cities from coast to coast will recognize this day,” Valentino said. “Millions of Americans will express love and kindness, throughout neighborhoods, in acts of compassion, sharing and caring. Lets all stand together in a unified effort of love for all of humanity.”
Whether ii be our literal neighbor, our co-workers, a total stranger or a dear friend, the ways to celebrate this day are varied. Celebrate National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day by displaying acts of kindness to your neighbors, friends and anyone who crosses your path.
Here are a few of the ways you could celebrate National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day:
— Help someone out with yard work.
— Cook a meal or bake a treat for someone.
— Drop off coffee or a treat for someone at a local business you frequent.
— Pay for the meal of the person in line behind you or leave enough behind to “pay it forward” at a local restaurant or coffee shop.
— Take a co-worker out to lunch.
— Leave notes of appreciation for people you encounter throughout the day, whether that be the postal delivery person, your coworkers, your family members, the clerk at your favorite convenience store, the cook at your favorite restaurant or the the barista at your favorite coffee shop.
— Offer to do an extra chore around the house to make life easier for whoever you share your home with.
— Take a few minutes to make a couple extra phone calls to those who you haven’t been in touch with for awhile.
— Leave positive affirmation notes in random places that say things like, “You can do it!” “Keep your head up!” or “Don’t give up!”
— Use your social media as a platform for positivity sharing happy, encouraging and positive messages throughout the day.
By taking just a few moments to be intentional about being kind to those you encounter and those you care about, you can make a big difference in someone else’s day.
We encourage each of our neighbors to celebrate this special day today.
“Open up your heart to someone in need or to that special someone in your life,” Valentino said. “Let’s make this a day of celebration of love. Let’s celebrate this day by spreading love and acts of kindness throughout all … neighborhoods.”
We couldn’t have said it better.