Burtner speaks to AARP

AARP Chapter 632 met Tuesday, Jan. 31 at the James B. Allen Generations Center. Elizabeth Gay, president, presided.

The group gave the pledge to the flag, then Betty Ballard led the group in prayer.

Following the potluck meal, April Collins, a junior at George Rogers Clark High School, read her essay, “What Does Serving Mean to Me.” Her essay was voted best at the high school. She included several quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.

Mayor Ed Burtner spoke to us about his duties as Winchester mayor. He was business manager of the city 25 years and has been mayor for the last 11 years. He said the mayor’s office is supposed to be part-time, but he works about 50 hours a week. He is available to be of help 24/7. He told about “13 Things Mayors Won’t Tell You” from Reader’s Digest. Some of the things he mentioned were — you really can change our minds, politics can be petty and mean-spirited, and our city officials do not run party races — neither Republican nor Democrat.

He said the mayor is not as powerful as you think. In some states the mayor can legally perform weddings, but not in Kentucky. He stated that 10 years ago there were many things Winchester did not have — no indoor pool at College Park, no Amazon, no Farmers Market. Also, we now have a new hospital, new high school, new preschool, Martin Luther King Highway, etc.

Malcolm Stokely reported that AARP tax aides will begin doing taxes Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. until April 15.

Colista Ledford gave the secretary’s report and Joyce Barnes gave the treasurer’s report.

Twenty-one members and guests were present: Betty Ballard, Joyce Barnes, Dillard Bruton, Mary Bruton, April Collins, Sheila Collins, Elizabeth Gay, James Gay, Arline Hunter, Clair Hunter, Colista Ledford, Bernice Lewis, Corina Martin, Dot Moberly, Ada Rash, Mike Rowady, Sue Staton, Malcolm Stokely, Polly Todd, Jean Vaughn and Bobbye Woodruff.

The next meeting will be Feb. 28 when Sandy Stultz, director of the Bluegrass Museum, will be the speaker.
