25 Years Ago for Dec. 20, 2016

Dec. 20, 1991 

The Winchester Tobacco Market recessed for the Christmas holidays Thursday, having sold more tobacco in nine sale days than it did in 11 days last year and the most tobacco before Christmas since the 1986-87 marketing season.

Members of the Hart Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution took part in a Christmas tradition when Mrs. William S. Duty Jr. told the Christmas story “Only Human” by Zona Gayle at the December meeting at Holly Rood. Earlier she read a poem, “Mitch’s Fourth Christmas,” by Elizabeth Bonfield, mother-in-law of the late Lucille Richardson Bonfield.

The third-grade classes at Odell Gross experienced the Christmas program at the Hummel Planetarium in Richmond. Students are studying space and this program enabled them to see the sky as it would appear from any known point in our solar system.
