
Roark: Plants that announce supper time

In mid to late summer if you’re out and about you will likely see plants bearing fruit going ...


Living on Purpose: Remembering the cost of our independence

This week we celebrate Independence Day which is also commonly known as the Fourth of July. It’s a ...


Godbey: Going to school sure has changed a lot

When I think about my childhood, it’s hard not to think about my time in school. I have ...


Some Fourth of July history: An Appeal to Heaven

If you watch much national news, you may have seen a flag flown at political rallies with a ...


Dave Says: He needs to be reminded

Dear Dave, My husband and I both work outside the home, and he has come up with an ...


Holland: Free will and the enemy within

Receiving personal revelations of God’s Logos and Rhema word throughout our lives is critical to say the least. ...


Godbey: Stupidity begins at home

By Jack Godbey Columnist  Have you ever had one of those days where you begin to question if ...


Roark: The Liberty Tree

It interests me how trees are so often intertwined with our culture and history.  The July celebration of ...


Dave Says: An agreement is an agreement

Dear Dave, I own a small rental house, and for the most part my tenants have been conscientious ...


Godbey: The things you hear in the grocery store

I remember the first job I got when I graduated high school. It was a smaller local grocery ...

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