Community Columnists

Stories of veterans at Reeves Memorial Cemetery

Editor’s note: The following column was written and submitted prior to Veterans Day, but was inadvertently omitted from ...

Community Columnists

The next time you make a PB and J sandwich

There are things in life that go together or we put together without even thinking about it. Most ...

Community Columnists

Lung Cancer: It’s not just a ‘smoker’s disease’

Many people think of smoking as the most obvious cause for lung cancer. While cigarette smoking has certainly ...

Community Columnists

How to prepare for winter weather

It has been but a few weeks since we were contending with 90-degree temperatures and wondering if fall ...

Community Columnists

My sweet Olivia and my sweet Kentucky home

It was another busy week for me. I served as an election officer Nov. 6, and it had ...


Witt: Why are those in Washington so old?

Why are there so many old people running the country? Wait! Before the octogenarians reading this rise up ...


Caldwell: Politicians must now become public servants

The election is over, and the sun still came up Wednesday morning. Many people have had tunnel vision ...


Caldwell: Internet, public opinion shouldn’t erode legal system

Our nation’s Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they created a government and legal system built ...


Witt: Women need equal representation

In one week, America will go to the polls to elect 435 representatives and 33 senators — plus ...


Caldwell: Community can build off election-year energy

Political signs line the yards and streets of Clark County. Words of support for local candidates fill the ...

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