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Popular Winchester taco truck opens permanent location

For over two years, residents of Winchester have had an opportunity to stop their vehicles at the BP ...

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Man charged with taking inappropriate photos at Winchester Walmart

A man is facing multiple charges in connection with incidents that have taken place at the Winchester Walmart ...


Bubble without trouble

With the weather warming up and kids out of school for the season, opportunities abound for getting others ...


Winchester black bear sighting confirmed

A black bear that was reported on social media to be seen roaming around the Colby Station Center ...

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The parking lots of Winchester: A tour of places no longer there

By Harry Enoch Contributing Writer As you walk or drive around Winchester, you will notice we have many ...

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First Patriot Promenade held

It’s not often that impromptu parades celebrate a holiday in Winchester. However, on Tuesday in Winchester, it accomplished ...


Fireworks, flags and foam

As is well known, America celebrates Independence Day on July 4. To many residents of Winchester through the ...

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Fiscal Court sets custodial staff salaries, approves budget

A special called meeting of the Clark County Fiscal Court occurred last Tuesday morning at the Clark County ...


CCPS family resource coordinators host pop-up event at mobile home park

With school out for the summer, family resource coordinators with Clark County Public Schools knew they wanted to ...

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Fair a hit despite rainy weather

Although heavy rains and inclement weather caused Saturday’s event at the Clark County Fair to be canceled or ...

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