
Incentives motivate people, not mandates, says Stivers

Saying “encouragement is one thing, mandates are another,” Senate President Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, announced a local plan to ...


Time running out to apply for Clark Fiscal Court Fund grants

By Robert G. Blanton Clark County magistrate The clock is ticking on the Clark County Fiscal Court Fund ...


Menifee film challenge 

By Bill McCann Community columnist Menifee Community Theatre Group’s 5 Day Film Challenge starts this weekend! Get your ...

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‘Town dog’ inspires box of blessings

One local dog knows no master.  His name is Romey and to some residents, he is the “ ...


Get Involved In Your County 

By Sue Staton Community Columnist It has been fifty-two years ago since I joined a homemaker’s club in ...


Farmers can apply for ag exemption numbers

By Tom Latek Kentucky Today The Kentucky Department of Revenue is now accepting applications from eligible farmers for ...


Labor Day Parade and festivities canceled 

The Winchester Labor Day Parade and celebration, originally scheduled for Sept. 3-6, has been canceled due to the ...


Second generation district court judge sworn in

A dream come true.  That’s how Robert Jennings described being sworn in Friday as a new district judge ...


Beshear handed huge legal defeat by Kentucky Supreme Court 

FRANKFORT, Ky. – Gov. Andy Beshear was handed a huge legal defeat by the Kentucky Supreme Court unanimously ...


Clark County Schools resume for the new school year

“At the end of the day, everybody is excited to get their kids back in school. Kids are ...

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