
‘In the Earth,’ on the screen

BY RICK BALDWIN Columnist Greetings, my fellow mask-wearing weary cinephiles of Winchester! A year has come and gone ...


World Immunization Week – Vaccines bring us closer

CLARK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT World Immunization Week – celebrated and sponsored by the World Health Organization every year ...


Tiny perfect things

ERIN SMITH Columnist It had been a week. I won’t bore you with the details, but you know ...


Praying like a resurrection disciple

BY AL EARLEY Religion columnist How long ago was Easter? Have you thought much about Jesus Christ rising ...


‘Authentic’ not always what we expect

I always enjoy going out to a restaurant to eat. I took that seemingly simple act for granted ...


‘This Is My Story’

BY RHONDA GOULD Religion Columnist My story is a long and a sordid mess. As I am sure ...


Why do we want to know God?

BY BILLY HOLLAND Religion Columnist The Christian life is difficult to understand. Generally speaking, the masses are satisfied ...


Spring training and baseball good for soul

BY NEENA GAYNOR Columnist Time away is good for the soul. After moving around as much as we ...


Spaghetti Pie Casserole great for church potlucks

Ingredients: 1 package (8 oz.) spaghetti 1 lb. ground beef 1 small onion 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 ...


Special day packs a punch

BY GLORIA YODER The Amish Cook (Editor’s Note: This is a two-part column from Gloria chronicling and celebrating ...

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