Finding right path easier with support
Published 9:00 am Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Not everyone knows right away what they want to be when they grow up. In fact, many adults struggle with this well into their 20s, 30s and beyond, so it can be an overwhelming concept for teenagers who often feel significant pressure to figure out their life’s path at a young age.
The Clark County Public Schools — along with a host of community partners — do a great job of helping expose high school students to a variety of options as a way to simply expand their horizons and maybe make them think a little bigger.
Programs include mentoring, internships, classroom visitors and next week’s college and career fair.
So far, 26 colleges and 26 businesses have registered for the event, which will be from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept 29. It is not too late for others to sign up.
Students in grades eight through 12 will be able to meet with representatives from area businesses, learn about some career paths and network with potential employers.
Juniors and seniors will also be able to meet with representatives from colleges and universities to learn about programs, scholarships and requirements for higher education.
Eighth-grade students, freshmen and sophomores will see a presentation from the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to learn about how to begin planning for higher education and how to pay for it.
All of these elements complement each other and help push students, especially juniors and seniors, to start thinking about life after high school.
One of the most critical things high school guidance counselors can do is challenge students to raise expectations for themselves. Many students come from families where no one attended college or have not worked outside the area, so just opening eyes to the possibilities can have a huge impact on someone’s life.