Cave Run boat ramps to close temporarily

Published 9:48 pm Thursday, August 3, 2017

Special to the Sun

Kentucky state and federal agencies, along with several local angling groups, are working together to improve fish habitat at Cave Run Lake near Morehead. Trees, stumps, stake beds and artificial structures are being submerged underwater to provide fish habitat and shelter in the coves of the lake.

Beginning Monday, Aug. 14, through Aug. 17, the Poppin Rock and Bangor boat ramps will temporarily close while they are being used as staging areas for storage and loading of the new fish habitat structures.

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“This is the final year of a large-scale habitat enhancement project at Cave Run Lake,” said Joseph Zimmerman, Kentucky Fish and Wildlife’s Fisheries Habitat Coordinator. “Thousands of fish habitat structures, ranging from brush piles to artificial plastic structures, have been added to the lake since 2014.”

Zimmerman noted this year’s effort will include use of commercially made habitat structures which will last indefinitely, reduce lure snagging and increase shade producing cover.

“The great fishing at Cave Run Lake just keeps getting better thanks to this collaborative project between partners,” said District Ranger Jon Kazmierski with the Daniel Boone National Forest.

“Smaller fish are attracted to these areas as a place to hide from predators, but predators use these areas as a place to search for food. Anglers have more fishing locations and opportunities for a good catch.

“While this is the last year for this large project, we will continue in future years to work to maintain and enhance habitat around the lake,” added Kazmierski.

Anglers can see photos and find additional information about the Cave Run Lake fish habitat improvement project at The site also includes a Google map with GPS coordinates for all fish attractors placed in the lake during the project. A video is available online on the Kentucky Afield TV YouTube channel.