Local news briefs for Feb. 6, 2017
Published 11:13 am Monday, February 6, 2017
WMU special meeting
Winchester Municipal Utilities will have a special-called meeting at 5:30 p.m. today in the conference room of 150 North Main Street. The meeting will involve a closed session to discuss proposed litigation.
Winchester Licensing Board meeting
The Winchester Licensing Board will meet at 5 p.m. today at Winchester City Hall. The only item on the agenda is electing a new chair and vice chair.
GRC SBDM meeting
The George Rogers Clark High School-based Decision-making Council will meet at 4 p.m. today in the SBDM conference room at the school.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s caregivers support group
There will be an Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care support group meeting at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at First United Methodist Church on South Main Street. The next meeting is Monday, Feb. 13. Any caregiver is welcome to attend meetings. Meetings will include discussions about topics pertinent to Alzheimers or Dementia care and open discussion among caregivers. For more information, contact Sandra Johnson at 859-293-2968.
Clark Homemaker Council meeting
The Clark County Homemaker Council will meet at noon Tuesday at the Clark County Extension Office, 1400 Fortune Drive.
Retired school lunchroom manager meeting
The Retired School Lunchroom Managers group will meet at 11:45 a.m. Tuesday at Kentucky Fried Chicken on Carol Road.
Sylvania retirees meeting Feb. 14
Winchester GTE/Sylvania/Osram/UAW retirees will gather for lunch 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the Broadway Café in Winchester. All Winchester Sylvania retirees and former employees are welcome to join us for lunch. If Clark County Schools are closed because of weather, the group will not gather for lunch.
Nurse aide classes to be offered
Community Education is offering a state registered nurse aide class this spring. Classes begin March 7 and continue through May 21. Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 9 p.m. Tuition is $280 and is due by Feb. 24. Contact Community Education at 859-745-3946 or clark.comm.ed@gmail.com or 24 W. Lexington Ave., Ste. 220 (inside Kentucky Bank) for more information or to register. Full details are available at http://teach.clarkschools.net/Depts/CommEd or communityedclarkcounty on Facebook.
Generations Center chili fundraiser
The 16th annual chili fundraiser for the Generations Center, 32 Meadow St., will be Monday, Feb. 13, for deliveries and Tuesday, Feb. 14, for eat-in. The meal is $6 and includes chili, sandwich, crackers, brownie and a drink. For more information or to place an order, call Diana Sims at 744-3235. All proceeds benefit senior citizen programs.