Police and fire reports for Oct. 23, 2019

Published 10:48 am Wednesday, October 23, 2019



— Antoine Clay, 26, of Lexington, was charged Tuesday with speeding, no operator’s license, driving on a suspended operator’s license, no insurance and driving under the influence (second offense).

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— On Monday, EMS personnel responded to 17 general medical calls, one seizure, one cardiac case and two respiratory cases.


— At 5:22 p.m. Friday, firefighters responded to an injury accident on Becknerville Road.

— AT 12:18 p.m. Saturday, firefighters responded to a carbon monoxide alarm sounding on Colby Hills Circle.

— At 7:51 p.m. Saturday, firefighters responded to an injury accident on Interstate 64 near the 90 mile marker.

— At 10:40 p.m. Saturday, firefighters assisted EMS personnel with a call at the Clark County Fairgrounds.

— At 2:12 p.m. Sunday, firefighters were called to Irvine Road for a report of smoke in the area.

— At 9:43 a.m. Monday, firefighters responded to an injury accident on Woodford Drive for a vehicle versus a building.



— Gary Ray Brown, 45, was charged Monday with fourth-degree assault.


— At 8:55 a.m. Monday, officers were called to 101 W. Lexington Ave. concerning the theft of parts from a church van.

— At 11:24 a.m. Monday, officers were called to 24 Buckner St. concerning the theft of a vehicle.

— At 1:41 p.m. Monday, officers were called to 707 W. Lexington Ave. for a terroristic threatening complaint.

— At 2:31 p.m. Monday, officers took a report for a harassment complaint.

— At 5:13 p.m. Monday, officers were called to 1025 Early Drive concerning a theft of tools from a truck.

— At 5:14 p.m. Monday, officers were called to 154 Winn Ave. after someon broke into a residence and took three handguns.

— At 6:01 p.m. Monday, officers were called to 238 Jackson St. for a domestic disturbance. Gary Ray Brown was arrested for fourth-degree assault.