Letters to the Editor for Sept. 28, 2018

Published 11:42 am Friday, September 28, 2018

Elkins is veteran friendly

I am a veteran living here in Clark County. I have actively participated in local events and programs for many years. I once served on the Winchester City Commission.

I understand loyalty, patriotism and civic duty. Along my way, I came to know William Elkins.

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He is a Winchester attorney. When I was a city commissioner, he was a Winchester Police officer. That was a long time ago for both of us.

William Elkins has been working in the criminal justice system for a great many years. I have witnessed his experience and professionalism at work. He is not only completely educated, trained and ready to be our next county attorney, but he is the best choice.

William Elkins will be tough on crime. A little medicine in time saves a lot of problems later.

Keep my choice, William Elkins, in mind when you vote on Nov. 6.

Claude Shaw


Time for a new direction

I am retired after being a veteran, a mill operator and farmer for 50 years. I have enjoyed rural life, a rewarding career and a wonderful family. One of my joys has been horses. If you farm or operate a business, some things become apparent.

When the crops don’t grow it is because something is missing. Lack of sunshine, lack of fertilizer or lack of water may be the cause.

In business, failing growth may be lack of effort, lack of accountability or lack of leadership. I believe our county is suffering from a lack of growth, too.

This makes me ask the question, “What is wrong?”

A common denominator is local leadership. Some elected officials suddenly come with new ideas and new programs every four years. Strangely, the new ideas are to improve on their own ideas. I agree improvement is needed. That is my very point, but I do not agree if crime and drugs are everywhere our current county attorney’s new ideas over his old ideas are the answer.

On Nov. 6, please vote for William Elkins. He has been on the job for three decades. He made his first arrest in 1987 before he ever went to law school. Put his ideas to battle the drug epidemic and runaway crime to work.

Our policies today have failed us so let’s implement new leaders and new policies in November.

Thomas B. Lewis


Don’t send me the bill

For the last 12 years we have had the same elected officials. I think it is fair to say our community is struggling to keep up.

I look around, and Mount Sterling seems to be busting at the seams, but here we cannot keep a new business alive.

I have watched as the same local people seem to make every opportunity for their children and friends and leave the rest of us out.

I saw a Harwood Report that said Winchester generally distrusts its local leaders. I can see why.

Here is where I am: I don’t want to name names and blame the suspects outright, but what I want is real change. I want the people, all people, in this community to have a say.

Right now there is a hard deck and most of us live below it while a handful live above it. They also live above the rules the rest of us must live by. I am asking my fellow citizens to vote for real change and one good place to start is in the county attorney’s office.

Please vote for William Elkins as county attorney to get us back on track with lower crime, lower drug addiction and safer streets. Otherwise, don’t send me the bill.

Janet Townsend


I support William Elkins

Being from Clark County and having grown up here, I have met so many good people.

As an adult and young mother, I make my living here along with my two children.

From time to time, I have turned to family and friends for advice. One of those people is William Elkins.

William Elkins has so much experience with children and families that he always has an answer when questions come up. I know he has raised a family of his own here and I can see he cares about me and this community.

Our home is changing. Perhaps the best situated people in town never struggle, but most of us do at times.

I honestly believe with William Elkins as our county attorney, there will be less struggles and more help in the long run.

I support William Elkins and hope you will too in November.

Christa Williams


Elkins will continue working

to save our families

I live in Clark County and I know firsthand the struggles children in this community face, because I have five.

Once upon a time a small child in this community was suffering from the loss and pain absent parenting imposes. I turned to William Elkins.

William Elkins listened to my problems and then used his knowledge, experience and compassion to put a life back together.

My message here is short and sweet. When people need real help, and I mean all people with all kinds of needs, William Elkins is ready and willing.

William Elkins proved to me firsthand what it means to be professional and on the job for me and my children. I am hoping he is elected our next county attorney this fall.

Lindsay Ensey
