Curren ready for next chapter at Transy
Published 7:38 pm Monday, July 16, 2018
Meaghan Curren has no doubts in her mind that Transylvania University is where she wants to spend the next four years for her athletic and educational career.
The center defender helped lead the Cardinals to back-to-back 10th Region Championships, but fell short in the state tournament to West Jessamine both years.
Curren said the size of Transy is one of the main factors that drew her interest in the school.
“I really like how small it is,” she said. “ It is pretty much the same size as high school. I like the student-teacher ratio and I like the small, intimate classroom settings. It is in downtown Lexington so it is going to be nice to have things to do and I will still be close to home. Soccer was a plus factor, but it is not necessarily why I chose to go there.”
Curren has set high standards for herself throughout her college career.
“I would like to play and get playing time,” she said. “I would like to keep a 4.0 GPA through college while playing which will be difficult, but that is a goal for me.”
Curren admits to having a busy summer schedule, but is determined to stay on track to be fully prepared for the college level.
“Our coach sent us a workout schedule so we have a calendar which started in June and it is until our first day of practice,” she said. “It is a preseason workout with conditioning and lifting. I have been trying to follow along with that and I have been doing my best to get the days down that we need to.”
Curren said she is excited for the new life that college will present to her, but she is most excited for the reason why she is going in the first place.
“Soccer is what I am most excited for,” she said. “I love being a part of a team. It is just one of my favorite things and I have been thinking about it a lot lately. High school soccer was my favorite part of school. It is so cool to have a team and to have them to count on. I feel like I will get the same in college and I really miss having that right now.”
Although college is an exciting time for most people, Curren admits that her nerves have been getting the best of her.
“I have definitely been nervous about my course load and playing at the same time,” she said. “I want to be involved in other ways. I plan to rush into a sorority and other clubs. Some type of Christian club is part of my plan as well as going to church. I have a lot to do and I am nervous about keeping up with everything including my grades which is my number one priority.”
Curren said playing high school soccer has been the best aspect throughout her career, but is excited to transition into the next level.
“It was my favorite part of high school,” she said. “When I think of my happy moments in high school, almost all of them come from soccer. From goofing around at practices or in the locker room, winning championships, or even losing big games like in the state tournament. We were devastated when we lost in state and we were all crying, but being able to share those moments mean a lot even if they are not the happiest of moments. There is no telling what kind of roller coaster ride Transylvania will bring to me.”