AARP has Sept. meeting
Published 9:50 am Friday, October 6, 2017
AARP Chapter 632 met Tuesday, Sept. 26, at the James B. Allen Generations Center with 35 members and guests present. Elizabeth Gay, president, opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag.
Wayne Pasley gave the invocation.
Following a potluck meal, Shari Bates informed the gathering the Chronic Pain Support Group meets at Russell Cave Elementary School in Lexington the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. More information is available by calling 859-254-2774.
Derrick Hord of UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging distributed printed materials about the center and spoke about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
He noted more research on Alzheimer’s is done in Lexington than anywhere else in the country.
Alzheimer’s is the leading cause of dementia and affects one in eight people 65 and older.
By age 85, nearly 50 percent of people have developed Alzheimer’s.
One in every five health care dollars is spent on Alzheimer’s.
So far, there is no cure.
Tips for a healthy brain include staying mentally and physically active, eating a healthy diet, staying socially active, etc.
Healthy individuals 65 years and older may volunteer to help with the research.
Participants will receive free memory testing and a yearly medical exam. They will also be asked to donate their brain at death.
Jo Spencer, author of 13 books available on, spoke next about the psychology of aging. She emphasized using ‘JOY’ as an acronym for dealing with our lives — J for Jesus, O for Others and Y for Yourself.
In other business, the AARP board voted to raise membership dues to $6 per year effective January 2018.
Gay announced there would be a program on Scam Alerts at 1 p.m., Oct. 24 at Trinity Church of God. More information is available by calling 749-6138.
Scams can be reporter to the Attorney General’s office by calling 888-432-9257.
Colista Ledford gave the secretary’s report and Joyce Barnes presented the treasurer’s report.
The next AARP meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31, at the James B. Allen Generations Center. Everyone 50 years of age or older is invited to attend.