Upcoming girls basketball tournament to feature best from multiple states

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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With the recent success of the George Rogers Clark Lady Cards’ basketball team, fans attending a game at GRC Arena have seen plenty of local talent during the winter and early spring. 

Now, with school out for the summer, they’ll have a unique opportunity to see talent from all across the Commonwealth and elsewhere. 

The 2024 Bluegrass Cardinal Classic, hosted by George Rogers Clark High School, will welcome 56 teams from Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia on June 13 and 14. 

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Also, the Bluegrass Cardinal Individual Showcase will occur at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 15, with 80 athletes participating. 

For the 2024 Bluegrass Cardinal Classic Schedule, the following link will direct individuals to a schedule and the list of teams participating: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/224288/bluegrass-cardinal-classic/schedule

Along with the defending 10th Region Champion Lady Cards, participating teams will include defending 2nd Region Champion Henderson County, 4th Region Champion Bowling Green, 9th Region Champion Cooper, 11th Region Champion Franklin County, 13th Region Champion North Laurel, and 15th Region Champion Pikeville. 

With so many teams, some of the state’s best talent will participate. 

Among them are GRC’s Kennedy Stamper, Frederick Douglass’ Niah Rhodes, Franklin County’s Leia Hogan, Cooper’s Haylee Noel, Campbell County’s Izzy Jayasuriya, Bowling Green’s Katy Smiley, and Ashland Blazer’s Kenleigh Woods. 

Out-of-state schools such as Lebanon (OH) and Clarksville Christian (TN) will also be present. 

For additional information, contact GRC Lady Cards’ Head Coach, Robbie Graham, at robbie.graham@clark.kyschools.us