Police and fire reports for Feb. 14, 2020

Published 9:33 am Friday, February 14, 2020


— On Wednesday, EMS personnel responded to 12 general medical calls, one cardiac case, three respiratory cases, one seizure and one obstetric case.

— At 12:21 a.m. Wednesday, firefighters responded to an alarm sounding at 1307 W. Lexington Ave. It was a false alarm.

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— At 2:40 a.m. Thursday, firefighters responded to an alarm sounding in the 5300 block of Bybee Road.



— Challis Wayne Black, 36, was charged Wednesday as a fugitive from another state.

— Brenna E. Cser, 23, was charged Wednesday with driving under the influence.

— Chandra L. Davis, 44, was charged Wednesday with first-degree possession of a controlled substance and was served four warrants.

— John Chris Smith, 36, was charged Wednesday with first-degree possession of a controlled substance and was served a warrant.


— At 10:38 a.m. Wednesday, officers were called to 109 N. Highland St. concerning possible fraudulent charges.

— At 10:58 a.m. Wednesday, officers were called to 1467 W. Lexington Ave. concerning a stolen truck and trailer.

— At 2:52 p.m. Wednesday, officers were called to 109 Springmist Lane concerning an assault.

— At 6:17 p.m Wednesday, officers were called to 11 Wilson Lane concerning a stolen hoodie.