Police and fire reports for Jan. 30, 2020
Published 9:01 am Thursday, January 30, 2020
— At 12:58 p.m. Tuesday, deputies were called to 417 Mount Vernon Drive concerning a dispute between neighbors.
— On Tuesday, EMS personnel responded to eight general medical calls, one cardiac case, three respiratory cases, one seizure and two strokes.
— At 10:22 a.m. Tuesday, firefighters responded to an alarm sounding at George Rogers Clark High School, 2745 Boonesboro Road. It was a false alarm.
— Teresa Curtis, 60, was charged Tuesday with third-degree burglary.
— Paul E. Lesage, 42, was charged Tuesday with driving on a DUI-suspended operator’s license and careless driving.
— At 9 a.m. Tuesday, officers were called to 380 Boone Ave. after someone broke into a residence.
— At 12:26 p.m. Tuesday, officers were called to 25 Wainscott Ave. for an EPO violation.
— At 3:47 p.m. Tuesday, officers were called to 21 N. Main St. concerning the theft of a watch from a car.
— At 4:08 p.m. Tuesday, officers were called to 36 Park Ave. concerning a theft of soft drinks from a porch.
—At 5:05 p.m. Tuesday, officers were called to Walmart, 1859 Bypass Road, concerning a theft. Teresa Curtis was arrested and charged with third-degree burglary.