Smith: Stop dangling on the edge

Published 9:41 am Friday, November 22, 2019

Part of 1 Corinthians 1:27 says, “…God hath chosen the foolish things of the world….” This column may seem like that to some but hang with me. There’s a point at the end, I promise.

Do you ever have times when you’re drinking from a glass and all of a sudden all the ice comes “gushing” towards your mouth causing some of what you’re drinking to spill onto your newly-washed shirt or blouse? I have had those times and man are they frustrating.

That’s one of the reasons I have gotten into the habit of drinking from a straw. I’ll drink soda from a straw, water from a straw and, yes, even milk (at times) from a straw.

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I found I could get 100 straws for $1 (not a bad price). Then for the fun of it, I Googled the price of straws.

What happened? I ended up buying a few from Sam’s Club. OK, so I bought 3,000. Don’t judge me.

Yes, that’s right, 3,000. I bought them for $12.17. Instead of being $.01 a piece, I got them for $.004 each. Now that’s a bargain.

Here’s where 1 Corinthians 1:27 comes in.

One day while sitting in my church office, I had finished using one of my 3,000 straws. I went to toss it in the trash and for a split second I noticed the straw actually dangled on the edge of the trash can.

It could have gone either way: over the edge falling to the floor causing me to have to get up, pick up the straw and throw it away or it could have just fallen into the trash can and I wouldn’t have to do anything.

For those sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what happened, it fell into the trash can.

Now, you’re asking what in the world does this have to do with a pastor writing a column for the faith page of The Winchester Sun?

I’m glad you asked.

When I got to thinking about that straw dangling on edge of the can for that split second, the scripture came to mind in 1 Kings 18:21 where the prophet “Elijah came unto all the people, and said, ‘How long halt ye between two opinions?’” 

That’s the main point of the “straw story.”

In today’s society it seems “everything goes.”

People think there is more than one way to God. People say, “Leave me alone and let me live the way I want to live”.

Folks, we have got to make up our minds. We have to stop going back and forth.

In church one Sunday and out for four Sundays. What was sin yesterday is accepted behavior today.

Please understand, I am not judging anyone because none of us are the judge. None of us have the final say.

There is one judge and that’s who we will stand before one day. 

It’s time to make an eternal decision.

I encourage you, stop halting between two opinions. Stop going back and forth, one day you’re a Christian, the next day you’ve decided knowing Jesus isn’t for you.

Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter what people say about you, whether they like you or not, whether they think they’re better than you or not, don’t be like that straw and dangle between two opinions.

Stand up and declare as Joshua did in Joshua 24:15: “….but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD”.

Make Jesus the Lord of your life today. Live for Him from this day forward.

I hope the next time you drink from a straw you remember the “straw story” and remember you have made up your mind to serve the Lord no matter what happens.

The Rev. Mike Smith is the executive pastor at Church of the Living God on Franklin Avenue.