Hiking among weekend festivities
Published 11:58 am Friday, April 13, 2018
With good weather expected this weekend, there will be plenty of reasons to be outside.
Lower Howard’s Creek Nature Preserve will have a spring hike beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday. Volunteer Bill Crankshaw is scheduled to lead the hike to observe Virginia bluebells, early blue phlox, Jacob’s ladder, dwarf larkspur and other flowers.
Hikes are limited to 20 participants. Call 744-4888 to reserve a spot. Hikes are free for Friends of Lower Howard’s Creek members and a $5 donation is suggested for non-members. Sturdy shoes are recommended.
At 11 a.m. Saturday, family resource centers from Clark County’s schools will host the annual Child Abuse Prevention Month celebration at Campbell Junior High School, 620 Boone Ave. Organizers said there will be a number of fun events for families including an egg hunt, face painting, bounce houses, food and music. There will also be booths to distribute information about services offered to prevent child abuse in Clark County.
Saturday evening, there will be a rally for drug abuse recovery efforts called “A Walk for Hope.” Beginning at 6 p.m. at the Bluegrass Community and Technical College campus, 2020 Rolling Hills Lane, there will be singing as well as guest speakers and information about area recovery assistance groups. The event is free and concludes at 10 p.m.