What’s Happening at the Library: Chinese lessons a hit
Published 9:00 am Monday, February 26, 2018
By John Maruskin
Clark CountyPublic Library
Today’s column begins with an extra-super special thanks to Winchester teacher Helen He, her son Richard, and Helen’s mother and father.
Helen teaches Chinese language and culture at Shearer and Conkwright Elementary schools. For three Saturdays in February, she came to the Clark County Public Library to teach classes in Chinese calligraphy, Tai-Chi and raditional Chinese costume. They were three of the best programs ever presented at the library.
All of the programs were filled to capacity and brimming with fun and laughter. The Chinese costume program, at which everyone got to dress up in fabulous brilliant tang zhuang clothing (bright costumes traditionally worn at the New Year), was simply wonderful. There were cell phone cameras clicking away everywhere.
After the calligraphy program, Helen composed a Chinese calligraphy banner especially for the library. You can see it at the right side of the library’s circulation desk.
The four characters read, “Be quiet, think loud.” Which means be studious and enhance your mind.”
Helen’s calligraphy signature is a small red square of characters in the bottom left-hand corner. The beauty of the piece is enhanced by the fact that Helen composed it in just a few moments after the calligraphy class.
Helen will be presenting one more class at the library, a watercolor painting class from 5 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 25. The class will be limited to 15. You can start signing up for it on March 1.
And speaking of March 1, that’s the day the 2018 Clark County Public Library Seed Library opens. A sure sign of spring
This year, all you need to get your free seeds is a current, valid Clark County Public Library card. There will be 96 different kinds of seeds, flowers, vegetables and herbs. You get up to 30 different types of seeds, one pack of each.
You can come into the library and fill out your seed order form, or you can order your seeds online at the library website, www.clarkbooks.org.
If you order online, a Library staff member will notify you when your order is ready. If you have any questions about this year’s seed library, call the library and connect to the reference desk, extension 111.
Wait! Wait! You don’t have to camp out in front of the library until Thursday to be the first in line or to be sure to get the seeds you want. The seed library will be open throughout the spring and summer, so there is plenty of time to come in.
When you do come in to get your garden seeds, be sure to take home a number of books, too. As Cicero said, “The person who has a garden and books lacks nothing.”
Other programs this week:
— Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., Meeting of Minds, the Library’s discussion group gathers to ponder the times and the eternities.
— Wednesday at 2 p.m. Kentucky Picture Show presents a 2017 film. When a group of Burmese refugees join the congregation, the pastor of a failing Anglican church attempts to aid them by planting crops and enlisting the help of the community. Rated PG.
— Wednesday at 7 p.m., reference librarian Jeff Gurnee presents another trivia night at the Engine House Pizza Pub. Be sure to drop in and say, Ciao, Jeff!
— Friday at 10 a.m., Write Local. You’ve got to write to write, but talking about writing is a great warm-up and with anybody’s writing, there’s always room for improvement.
Decide what you’d like to cultivate and the Library will help you realize your goal.
John Maruskin is director of adult services at the Clark County Public Library. He can be reached at john.clarkbooks@gmail.com.