Coat drive honors man’s good deed
Published 11:36 am Friday, November 3, 2017
In a letter to the editor than ran in The Winchester Sun around 2013, Virginia Goodlet wrote:
“One day within the last week or so, I was leaving Walmart and there were two Hispanic males walking behind Taco Bell.
“One was in a short-sleeved shirt. A truck stopped and the man jumped out of the truck with his seatbelt still on. The first thing I though was there is a going to be a fight.
“The man in the truck took his jacket off and tossed it at one of the men and said, ‘You’re going to freeze.’
“I thought everyone should know the good deed this man did.”
This man was J.R. Johnson, a member of Heritage Baptist Church of Winchester. J.R. passed away June 21, 2016, and Heritage Baptist started a coat drive in his memoir in November 2016.
The first coat drive was very successful and resulted in more then 200 coats for those in need. Heritage is making this an annual event and is kicking off the 2017 drive this month.
If you have a new or gently-used winter coat of any size, you may bring it to Heritage Baptist Church, 4369 Lexington Road. On Dec. 10, we will take the coats to the Clark County Community Services Center to be used in this year’s Operation Happiness.
J.R. gave his coat away because that’s what Jesus would have done.
Matthew 25:38 says, “When did we see you and a stranger and take you in, or naked and clothe you? Or when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you? And the King (Jesus) will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’”
Please help honor his memory by giving in Jesus’ name.
Frank Johnson