Tower repair will build branding

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Now that we have seen the official price tag for preserving an important part of downtown Winchester’s history and charm, our position remains the same: Way to go.

Saving the Clark County Courthouse clock/belltower is a worthy project because it will allow the structure to continue to serve as a shining beacon in downtown and an aesthetic anchor to the streetscape.

Last week, the Clark County Fiscal Court unanimously approved the low bid of $751,015 to repair and replace the deteriorating structure.

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The county is planning to issue bonds to generate revenue for the project. The Administrative Office of the Court, which fills the top floor of the courthouse, will pay 44 percent of the total project cost.

If all goes well work will begin in August. The first step will be to remove the current deteriorating tower and replace it with a temporary roof, which should cure issues with leaks from the roof.

It is also encouraging to see the fiscal court, a body that has been significantly divided on a number of issues recently, unified in their desire to save this iconic piece of architecture.

Small towns across America — especially their downtown’s — continue to struggle to reinvent themselves in ways that connect with residents and consumers. Winchester has done a good job of this, but much of this work ultimately comes down to branding and marketing.

Having an iconic symbol is important, and the clocktower can be just that.

We look forward to the results and hope to see the architects go to great lengths to re-create this icon of Winchester and Clark County.