25 years ago for Feb. 28, 2017
Published 3:49 pm Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Feb. 28, 1992
—The Sun congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ford, Winchester, on the birth of a daughter on Feb. 20 at Clark Regional Medical Center. She has been named Rebekah Jordan. Grandparents include Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haggard and Dana Ford, all of Winchester, and Tom Ford, Mt. Sterling.
—The Sun congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ecton on the birth of a son on Monday at Clark Regional Medical Center. He has been named Michael David. Grandparents include Margaret Horrar, Louisville, and the late Mitchell Horrarand the late Sally Bush Ecton.
—The Sun congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Woody Snowden, Winchester, on the birth of a daughter on Thursday at Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington. She has been named Caroline Robbins. Grandparents include Mrs. Woodford Snowden, Winchester, and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Griffin, Lexington. The great grandfather is Earl Robbins, Lexington.