4-H thankful for its volunteers
Published 10:48 am Wednesday, November 2, 2016
By Ken Culp III, Extension specialist for volunteerism
Now is the time of the year when many of us reflect on all of the things for which we are grateful. In Kentucky 4-H, one of the things we are most grateful for is the volunteer support we have throughout the commonwealth.
Our volunteers are leaders, cheerleaders, mentors and advocates for our youth. It is with their help and service that many young people find their voice or passion and become healthy, capable, caring and productive adults.
Volunteers assist our agents by leading club meetings, serving as camp counselors, judging speech and demonstration contests and utilizing their unique interests, skills and abilities to serve the 4-H program and extend it to audiences which would otherwise be unserved. In the process, these volunteers shape future leaders by demonstrating leadership skills, instilling a sense of community and offering a positive connection with someone from a different age group or generation.
Whether they serve episodically or for many years, volunteers are a valuable and essential component of 4-H. Without their help, most 4-H programs would be impossible to deliver.
While they do not serve for praise or recognition, many volunteers get a great deal of fulfillment, self-satisfaction and enjoyment out of volunteer service, as they watch youth develop self-confidence, self-worth and leadership skills.
If you are a volunteer, thank you for all that you do. If you are interested in more information about Kentucky 4-H volunteers or in learning how to volunteer with your local 4-H program, contact the Clark County Extension Office. Clark County 4-H is always looking for individuals that are dedicated to educating our youth. Consider serving on the Clark County 4-H Council, the advisory and fundraising board for the Clark County 4-H Program. Its next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:15 p.m.