Letters to the Editor from Sept. 9, 2016

Published 2:35 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Families and communities can make a difference

Dear editor,

Oftentimes, individuals who experience a mental and/or substance use disorder feel isolated and alone. Every year millions of Americans experience these conditions. It’s important that we offer support to individuals facing mental and/or substance use disorders. In fact, we need to create environments and relationships that promote acceptance.

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Support from families is essential to recovery, so it’s important that family members have the tools to start conversations about prevention, treatment and recovery. Too many people are still unaware that prevention works and that mental and/or substance use disorders can be treated, just like other health problems.

Having been in long term recovery for 20 years and worked in the recovery field for 10 years, I have witnessed the positive reality of recovery. Individuals who embrace recovery achieve improved mental and physical health, as well as form stronger relationships with their neighbors, family members and peers. We need to make more people feel like recovery is possible.

Mental and/or substance use disorders affect people of all ethnicities, ages, genders, geographic regions and socioeconomic levels. They need to know that help is available. These individuals can get better, both physically and emotionally, with the support of a welcoming community.

Families and communities can find hope and spread the message that recovery works by celebrating the annual National Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in September, an initiative sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Celebrate Recovery is celebrating Recovery Month by hosting a prayer and remembrance walk and a 5K run to honor individuals and families who are in long-term recovery.

I urge all community members to join the celebration and help stem the incidents of mental and substance use disorders. Let people know free, confidential help is available 24 hours a day through SAMHSA’s national line, 1-800-662-HELP or 1-800-487-4899 (TDD).

Offering support to those experiencing metal and/or substance use disorders can make a huge difference. Together we can help others realize the promise of recovery and give families the right support to help their loved ones.

Dickie Everman, Celebrate Recovery Minister                                                         Calvary Christian Church

Still a need for handwriting

Dear editor,

Usually Chuck Witt and I are diametrically opposed on about every issue, seeing as how he is a left wing liberal and I am right. If he says stop, I say go, he says black, I say white, but I didn’t find a lot to argue about on his column on the pros and cons of teaching students to write cursive.

In reading his column though, one little nagging problem arose with me. If people cannot write, how in Sam Hill are they going to sign legal documents? Deeds, mortgages and loan papers are a few instances that keep cropping up. Oh, I know that some time in the future they will probably have a portable retina scanner where they can scan you and then imprint it on the document. The only problem is I don’t believe that technology exists yet cheaply enough to where every place of business would have one. Until they do, it looks to me that forgery is going to be rampant.

I would really like for a proponent of doing away with cursive would write (Oh, excuse me, type) an an article telling us how business is going to work without people being able to sign their name.

Wayne Riddle


Thankful for a Good Samaritan

Dear editor,

A great big “thank you” to a Good Samaritan. I was going to the UK football game Saturday. We were leaving early to tailgate. I made a quick stop at Love’s in Lexington. I then headed over to our meeting place where we loaded up food and kids and left for the game. Later, as we were going into the stadium, I discovered my wallet was missing. Hopefully it was in my car, but after searching carefully, no wallet. When I got home, I called the Winchester Police Department. They assured me they would be on the look-out for it and to immediately notify credit card companies. I have frequently said, “the Lord takes care of me.” On Sunday morning, I received a call from the Winchester Police. A good samaritan had turned in my wallet. Thank you so much.


Mary Jo James
